Amber Concepcion
Experience Working for You to...
Strengthen emergency services throughout the countySupport small businesses, farms and economic development for healthy communitiesImprove and expand rehabilitation programs for incarcerated citizens to decrease repeat offensesSecure ballot access for all eligible voters
Site paid for by Friends of Amber Concepcion
About Amber Concepcion
Amber Concepcion returned to her hometown in Centre County in 2007 to raise her growing family in a strong, tight-knit community among beautiful outdoor places. Amber and her husband have three kids, a giant fluffy dog, and run their own business in State College.Amber earned a graduate degree in government from Georgetown University, a school focused on integrity and public service. After a maternity leave, Amber decided local government service was where she could do the most good. She has put her whole hart into that work ever since!Amber served for 11 years on the School Board for the State College Area School District, most of that time as Board President. In this role, she helped the district achieve financial stability as well as plan and complete six large building projects to replace failing facilities. Throughout her service, she consistently focused on the needs of all students, to best prepare them to thrive as adults.In January 2023, following her successful record in the school district, Amber was appointed to be a Centre County Commissioner to complete the term of Commissioner Michael Pipe (who is overseeing Public Safety for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).
Site paid for by Friends of Amber Concepcion

Donations (via check)
Donations via check or cash are preferred, to save on credit card transaction fees.
To donate, you may mail a check to:Friends of Amber Concepcion
c/o Amy Bader, Treasurer
403 Canterbury Dr
State College, PA 16803Thank you for your support!
Site paid for by Friends of Amber Concepcion

Site paid for by Friends of Amber Concepcion
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Site paid for by Friends of Amber Concepcion